Friday, April 24, 2009

Confidence Overrules Hopelessness

I was surprised to find that yesterday, the 23rd of April, meant that I have one month of college remaining until I graduate - of course, I would love to continue on to grad school, but was hoping to get some experience under my belt first. Now I am wondering: Did I make the right decision?

In public relations, you can and should always have some sort of plan. This I did for my life: Intern in school, graduate on time, get an entry level job in San Diego, work there fore three years or so, go back to school and earn my masters. It sounded like a good plan to me. However, I neglected to follow the common rules of any savvy PR practitioner - I did not adjust to my environment.

It is no secret we are facing a recession right now. And, unfortunately, public relations is often considered an expendable resource, especially when the going gets tough. We are a cost to companies, they just don't understand our value. My dilemma is now this: No one is available to hire...

That places a definite rift in my plan and right from the start! However, my new plan is to remain strong in the face of the depressed economy. Yes, I have applied to numerous places, no, I have not yet had much luck. I did get call backs from "marketing" agencies, that with a little research turned out to be scams.

However daunting it may seem for those of you trying to get a job right now, my only advice is, don't be discouraged. Keep that head up, shoulders back, and have persistence. The graduates of 2009 have worked hard, and have something to show. I'm not giving up hope yet, and even if my plan is somewhat skewed, and I may not immediately get that dream job, I know that I have some value for someone - it's just a matter of finding them.

Best of luck to all those seeking jobs!

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